YWF 2019 East Africa start-up training in Uganda
In November (13th to 24th 2019) the 10 selected Young Water Fellows participated in a 10-days start-up training in Kampala, part of the Young Water Fellowship East Africa, delivered in partnership with cewas and Turi Kumwe Uganda.
The start-up training was the first stage of the one-year support programme, and enabled the Young Water Fellows to develop social business models that focused on solving a water, sanitation, hygiene or IWRM issue in their communities, while doing it from a gender and BoP (Base of the Pyramid) approach.
It included sessions such as Market Demand Analysis; Business Model Canvas; Customer Orientation; Value Proposition Design; Revenue Models, Operations planning, and water and gender, among others. According to the feedback survey completed by participants, 100% of their expectations were mainly or fully met.
At the moment, Fellows are in the process of shaping their pilot projects, in order to receive up to €5000 of seed funding support.
We want to specially thank our funding partners Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Fondation GoodPlanet, Agence de l’Eau Artois Picardie and Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa for making this training possible.