YWF Senegal 2020 training in Saly and Dakar
From 2nd to 15th November 2020, fourteen dynamic young entrepreneurs participated in the training component of the Young Water Fellowship Sénégal. The two-week training on social entrepreneurship in the WASH sector took place in Saly and Dakar and was delivered in partnership with cewas and Concree, and with the participation of stakeholders such as AJPEAS.
During the training, the young entrepreneurs had the opportunity to develop their innovative business ideas through activities such as drawing up their business model canvas and sketching out their operational diagram. Additionally, during an internal soirée de pitch, they got a feeling of what it’s like to pitch to an audience and received plenty of constructive feedback on their presentation delivery.
Their training was further enriched by a Mentors Day, during which the Fellows received tips from established entrepreneurs affiliated with Concree. Finally, the two stimulating weeks of training ended with a closing ceremony, with the impromptu bonus of the presentation of certificates to the young entrepreneurs being accompanied by live musicians!
Using the skills developed during the training, the 14 Young Water Fellows are now in the process of shaping and submitting proposals for their pilot projects. When ready, Fellows will receive continuous coaching and up to €5,000 of seed funding to pilot their social business over the coming 6-8 months.
We want to specially thank our funding partners Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Enabel au Sénégal for making this training possible and our 14 Young Water Fellows for their inspiring and tireless work.