YWF East Africa Pitching Night in Kampala
As culmination of the YWF East Africa start-up training in Uganda, YWS and TuriKumwe organised the Pitching Night, event held at SS Hotel Kampala on Saturday 23/11. Its main goal was to provide a platform to the 10 Young Water Fellows, for them to present in 2-3 minutes their business idea, followed by a networking and walking dinner. The 80 honourable guests who attended the event included water and environment experts, donors, social entrepreneurs and development partners implementing WASH/IWRM initiatives. Hon. Sylvia Rwabwogo, District Woman Representative for Kabarole District at Parliament of Uganda gave the opening remarks, publicly committing to support the YWF programme in future editions.
The closing remarks were given by Octopizzo, the acclaimed hip-hop Kenyan artist and activist with several national and international awards to his name, and founder of Octopizzo Foundation, who gave an inspiring speech about why it is important to support young entrepreneurs in water and sanitation.