YWF Bangladesh 2021 – Monitoring visits
Throwback to the monitoring visits of the YWF Bangladesh 2021!

At the end of the incubation programmes, YWS organizes monitoring visits of the pilot projects, conducted most of the time by the local incubator in charge of co-implementing the programme, Ygap Bangladesh, in this case.
What is the goal of the monitoring visits?
Their aim is to make sure that the reality of the pilot is aligned with what the entrepreneur has reported, but not only. They enable the entrepreneur and us to assess the technology, interview the beneficiaries and control the operations. This enables the entrepreneur to have the most positive impact possible and to improve its product and/or service.

During the monitoring visits of the YWF Bangladesh 2021, 5 start-ups were visited: EcoFertilizer, 3H, Tetra, Prokriti O Paani and RainDrink. The monitoring visits were very important in these cases as the pilot projects were implemented far from Dhaka so the local partner wasn’t able to visit the entrepreneurs during the programme. The conclusions of the monitoring visits were very positive!
We are proud of our entrepreneurs!
Discover all the entrepreneurs we supported in our website: https://youngwatersolutions.org/young-water-fellows/