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YWF Latinoamérica edición 2022

Young Water Solutions anuncia la apertura del proceso de aplicación para participar del programa Young Water Fellowship Latinoamérica 2022. Para su segunda edición en Latinoamérica, YWS ofrecerá a 10 emprendedores (“Young Water Fellows”) y sus equipos la posibilidad de participar en el programa beneficiando de 1 año de apoyo incluyendo capacitación sobre negocios, agua y saneamiento; coaching y mentoreo; oportunidades de networking para incrementar exponencialmente sus redes de apoyo en el sector del agua y saneamiento, así como capital semilla para los primeros pasos de la implementación de sus emprendimientos sociales. El programa Young Water Fellowship ofrece a jóvenes (18 a 30 años) un año de apoyo...

YWF Latin America 2021 training

YWF Latin America 2021 training

From 13th March to 29th May 2021, 12 start-ups took part in the first 7 virtual sessions of the of the Young Water Fellowship 2021 Latin America edition training. The training was delivered online in partnership with cewas and Impact Hub CDMX and was attended by more than 40 young entrepreneurs from all corners of Latin America. During the training, they learned how to analyze demand for their solutions, evaluate the market and their competitors, identify potential customer segments, and shape their value proposition and income generation model. Through the creation of a customer journey map, part of the business canvas, empathy maps and interviews,...

First WASH entrepreneurship ecosystem meeting in Ivory Coast

First WASH entrepreneurship ecosystem meeting in Ivory Coast

On April 16th, Young Water Solutions, in partnership with Incub’Ivoir, organised the first meeting for stakeholders from the WASH entrepreneurship ecosystem in Abidjan. The event brought together 30 actors from the sectors of water & sanitation and entrepreneurship. The meeting was the first of its kind, a space to focus on what it means to be a WASH entrepreneur in Ivory Coast and to build up a picture of the ecosystem surrounding start-ups in water and sanitation. Following a short scene-setting presentation from Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique (EAA), participants had the opportunity to exchange opinions about the opportunities for entrepreneurs in the WASH sector...

The Young Water Fellowship Acceleration programme

The Young Water Fellowship Acceleration programme

On 7th April 2021, Young Water Solutions kick-started the first edition of the Young Water Fellowship Acceleration Programme, in partnership with cewas. The programme provides further support for high-potential start-ups from former editions of the YWF and aims at equipping them with skills and know-how to scale their social businesses. The programme is based on a collaborative approach with partners and investors who can support the start-ups whilst increasing the impact of their investment portfolio at the same time. The start-ups will benefit from a wide range of activities, including in-depth enterprise analysis, training on financing and business strategies and final investment matchmaking with partners...

YWF Senegal 2020 training in Saly and Dakar

From 2nd to 15th November 2020, fourteen dynamic young entrepreneurs participated in the training component of the Young Water Fellowship Sénégal. The two-week training on social entrepreneurship in the WASH sector took place in Saly and Dakar and was delivered in partnership with cewas and Concree, and with the participation of stakeholders such as AJPEAS.  During the training, the young entrepreneurs had the opportunity to develop their innovative business ideas through activities such as drawing up their business model canvas and sketching out their operational diagram. Additionally, during an internal soirée de pitch, they got a feeling of what it’s like to pitch to an audience and received...