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YWF Latin America 2021 training

YWF Latin America 2021 training

From 13th March to 29th May 2021, 12 start-ups took part in the first 7 virtual sessions of the of the Young Water Fellowship 2021 Latin America edition training. The training was delivered online in partnership with cewas and Impact Hub CDMX and was attended by more than 40 young entrepreneurs from all corners of Latin America. During the training, they learned how to analyze demand for their solutions, evaluate the market and their competitors, identify potential customer segments, and shape their value proposition and income generation model. Through the creation of a customer journey map, part of the business canvas, empathy maps and interviews,...

Mise à jour sur les éditions YWF 2020

Alors que nous célébrons trois ans depuis le lancement de la première édition du programme Young Water Fellowship, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer une nouvelle stratégie pour la Fellowship qui contribuera à accroître l'ampleur et l'impact de notre programme. Du mondial au local Alors que les trois premières éditions du YWF étaient d'envergure mondiale avec seulement quelques entrepreneurs de chaque continent sélectionnés pour chaque édition, nous allons maintenant nous concentrer sur la mise en œuvre du YWF aux niveaux régional et national au cours des prochaines années. Ces éditions nationales et régionales créeront non seulement des réseaux instantanés de jeunes entrepreneurs sociaux opérant dans un contexte commun...

Fellow Nuha from Indonesia completed her pilot project

Nuha Anfaresi, a 20-years old 2018 Young Water Fellow from Indonesia, is the founder of Aikite, social business that produces biosand filters for communities in the island of Bangka, where water is polluted with heavy metals. She recently completed her pilot project supported by Aquafin, that consisted in installing and testing a community filter in Labuh Village that filters 40,000 litres a day for about 50 community members. Well done Nuha, you inspire us all! ...

Prospective trips for future editions in West Africa

We are thrilled to announce that in 2020 we will be implementing our first Young Water Fellowship national editions in Senegal and Ivory Coast, with the financial support of the Swiss Embassy for Development and Cooperation, Enabel and Besix Foundation. We recently visited with our team these countries, where we organised prospective meetings with young entrepreneurs and key public and private stakeholders. Young Senegalese and Ivorian entrepreneurs, keep your eyes open for the next calls for application! ...