Young Water Fellowship: our editions in Senegal, Uganda, Latam and Bangladesh are coming to an end
We are concluding 4 of our programmes at the end of this year: YWF Bangladesh 2021, YWF Senegal 2021, YWF Uganda 2021, and YWF Latam 2022.
To conclude each programme, we host “pitching nights” for the fellows to present the results of their start-ups to major stakeholders. These events provide a collaborative space where the young entrepreneurs can get feedback from important WASH entrepreneurship stakeholders and a networking moment for them to find the support they need to pursue their businesses.
YWF Senegal 2021: 17th November in Dakar
The Pitching Night of the Senegal programme just happened on Thursday 17th of November, at the French Institute of Dakar. We have welcomed more than 60 participants and we are proud of the work accomplished by our Fellows.
We decided to highlight sanitation during this event, hosting a panel of experts on the topic. Stay tuned, pictures are coming!
YWF Bangladesh 2021: 24 November 2022.
YWS will be hosting its first pitching and networking event in Asia, taking place in Amari Dhaka, Bangladesh. Our agenda for this night is as listed below.
- The presentation of the different fellows and the pitch of their projects
- The results of our ecosystem events and the next steps
- A moment of networking accompanied by a cocktail to create synergies between guests and fellows.
The presentation of the different fellows and the pitch of their projects. The results of our ecosystem events and the next steps A moment of networking accompanied by a cocktail to create synergies between guests and fellows.
YWF Latam 2022
The Pitching night for our edition in Latam will take place in early december, we can’t wait to tell you how the event went in our next newsletter!
!YWF Uganda: Important Update!
We have decided to postpone our pitching night in Uganda due to the dire situation of Ebola Virus outbreak. We will plan to host the hackathon and pitching night on February 2nd & 3rd of 2023, as part of the Maji-preneurs summit in partnership with WASEU, cewas and Viva Con Agua.
We will keep you updated on the event as the situation in Uganda unfolds.