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Young Water Solutions > News (Page 3)

COVID-19 Crowdfunding Campaign: initiatives and updates

We want to say a big thank you to the many contributors who helped us reach our goal of €6,600, great job! Special thanks go to BOSAQ and Rotary Club Wavre-Europe for their very generous donations. Through the initiatives described below, the campaign provided an opportunity for youth-led social businesses to stay operational and impactful during these difficult times. Their work has helped restrict the spread of the virus by promoting safe hygiene and supporting vulnerable communities with little or no access to handwashing facilities and protective wear.   Thanks to the funds raised, four Young Water Fellows - Nuha Anfaresi (Indonesia), Jenifer Colpas (Colombia), Baseka Saidi (Burundi) and Christopher Sunday (Uganda) - have re-purposed their social...

YWF Côte d’Ivoire 2020 training in Abidjan

From 14th to 27th September 2020, ten dynamic young entrepreneurs participated in the training component of the Young Water Fellowship Côte d’Ivoire. The two-week training on social entrepreneurship in the WASH sector was delivered in partnership with cewas and Incub’Ivoir at a glorious location near Abidjan. The first week of training focused on identifying the WASH problems to be tackled, adapting the entrepreneurs’ solutions accordingly and honing their long-term business plans so as be as self-sufficient and impactful as possible. The second week of training concentrated on the financial management of their social enterprises and planning for their pilot projects. The programme concluded with a...

E-Hackathon in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Informal Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean: updates and winners

On 11th and 12th September 2020, 120 young entrepreneurs from Latin America and the Caribbean - divided in 30 teams - participated in the E-Hackathon in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Informal Settlements in Latin America, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), in collaboration with cewas and Young Water Solutions.   During day one, the participants worked on defining the problem to be addressed, identified solutions and ideas to develop as well as their main costumer segments. The second day of the event focused on validating their ideas and assumptions with their costumer segments as learning how to effectively present the idea in a pitch.   The young entrepreneurs developed with great effort and commitment different proposals that could contribute to sustainably solve water, sanitation and hygiene issues. These proposals were subsequently evaluated...

e-Hackathon en agua, saneamiento e higiene en asentamientos informales de América Latina y el Caribe

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), junto a cewas y Young Water Solutions, invita a jóvenes innovadores latinoamericanos/as a participar de este e-Hackathon para generar emprendimientos que contribuyan a la solución de problemas de agua, saneamiento e higiene en asentamientos informales en América Latina y el Caribe. Este evento de dos días de duración (11 y 12 de septiembre de 2020) tiene como objetivo motivar a los jóvenes emprendedores de América Latina y el Caribe a generar con sus equipos ideas innovadoras en agua, saneamiento e higiene. Los grupos ganadores recibirán como premio su participación en la Edición Latinoamericana del Programa Young Water Fellowship 2021, que...

COVID-19 Crowdfunding campaign

Covid-19 and the lockdown measures have had a terrible impact on youth-led water and sanitation social businesses. We are supporting four of our Young Water Fellows as they restart operations with a new focus on tackling the spread of Covid-19. Your donation will enable Nuha, Jennifer, Saidi and Christopher to keep working during this difficult time and provide essential services to vulnerable communities with limited support in the battle against Covid-19 in four different countries. With €6,600 these entrepreneurs can benefit over 4000 people with handwashing & hygiene kits and protective wear in Indonesia, Colombia, Burundi and Uganda. See the campaign & Donate here We can...

YWF Côte d’Ivoire 2020 (FR)

Young Water Solutions et Incub'Ivoir sont ravis d'annoncer l'appel à candidatures pour le Young Water Fellowship Côte d'Ivoire 2020. Cette première édition nationale du YWF offre à 10 jeunes entrepreneur·e·s ivoirien·ne·s un programme d’accompagnement d'un an qui comprend du financement, deux semaines de formation et un programme de mentorat. Ces jeunes leaders acquerront les moyens de mener des initiatives dans leurs communautés et de créer des entreprises sociales qui s’attaquent aux différentes problématiques de l’eau, telles que : • Accès à l’eau potable • Accès aux services d’assainissement et d’hygiène • Limitation du taux d’infections du COVID-19 • ...

Update about YWF 2020 editions

As we mark three years since we launched the first edition of the Young Water Fellowship programme, we are excited to announce a new strategy for the Fellowship that will help increase the scale and impact of our programme. From Global to Local While the first three editions of the YWF were global in scale with just a few entrepreneurs from each continent being selected for each edition, we will now focus on implementing the YWF at regional and national levels over the coming years. These national and regional editions will not only create instant networks of young social entrepreneurs operating within a common context but,...

Fellow Jacob Amengor from Ghana inaugurates water kiosk

2018 Young Water Fellow Jacob Amengor (Ghana) has recently completed and inaugurated the solar-powered water kiosk in Abutia Amesianyakope that he built as his pilot project for the Young Water Fellowship 2018 Global edition. Jacob is co founder of Givers Care Foundation and its iWASH Africa initiative, whose mission is to construct community-run integrated water and sanitation facilities in rural  communities.  His pilot project was funded by the Global Water Partnership through Young Water Solutions, and benefits 750 residents of Abutia Amesianyakope with its 10,000-litres/day borehole. Jacob is looking for new partnerships to mechanize the water kiosk (through a water ATM) and build new...

KA Zottegem visits our projects in Uganda

Students from partner school Koninklijk Atheneum Zottegem (Belgium), visited in February some of our projects in Uganda. Guided by our YWF East Africa coordinator Sheila Ruyondo, they visited the rain harvesting systems that KA Zottegem funded in two primary schools and a Health Centre in Hakibale in 2017. They also visited our 2019 Global Young Water Fellow Everlyne Nabakka and her Eco Sanitary business office in Mukono, where she is piloting her biodegradable pads made from banana stems, to improve access to menstrual hygiene, thanks to the support provided by Vivaqua. ...

Fellow Nuha from Indonesia completed her pilot project

Nuha Anfaresi, a 20-years old 2018 Young Water Fellow from Indonesia, is the founder of Aikite, social business that produces biosand filters for communities in the island of Bangka, where water is polluted with heavy metals. She recently completed her pilot project supported by Aquafin, that consisted in installing and testing a community filter in Labuh Village that filters 40,000 litres a day for about 50 community members. Well done Nuha, you inspire us all! ...