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Today is World Toilet Day!

Today is World Toilet Day! This day, established by the UN in 2013 to inspire action and bring awareness to the lack of access to safely managed toilets all over the world and reach the goal of SDG 6: water and sanitation for all. From 2017 to 2022 in our 5 programmes combined, 11 of our fellows have provided solutions centered on issues related to toilet accessibility and use.Currently we are supporting 3 fellows that are tackling the issue of open defecation by improving the access to and the quality of toilets through our incubation programme in Latin America and our pre-acceleration programme in West Africa....

Young Water Fellowship: our editions in Senegal, Uganda, Latam and Bangladesh are coming to an end

We are concluding 4 of our programmes at the end of this year: YWF Bangladesh 2021, YWF Senegal 2021, YWF Uganda 2021, and YWF Latam 2022.  To conclude each programme, we host "pitching nights" for the fellows to present the results of their start-ups to major stakeholders. These events provide a collaborative space where the young entrepreneurs can get feedback from important WASH entrepreneurship stakeholders and a networking moment for them to find the support they need to pursue their businesses. YWF Senegal 2021: 17th November in Dakar The Pitching Night of the Senegal programme just happened on Thursday 17th of November, at the French Institute of Dakar....

Come work with us

Do you have a background and experience in admin/accountancy/HR, speak fluently English and French, have EU working rights, and are excited about joining a youthful organization making great impact in the water sector? Then this opportunity may be for you! At YWS we are in a growth phase with significant potential for expanding our activities in the years to come. Having a team of one Director General and 3 programme managers with sometimes additional trainees, the team has until now managed by itself all admin tasks mostly setting up ad hoc procedures and practices which are time consuming and difficult to transfer. Now, we are...

First Young Water Fellowship’s edition in Asia!

We are proud to announce the launch of our first edition of the Young Water Fellowship in Asia! Indeed, this year we are implementing the Young Water Fellowship in Bangladesh.   In Bangladesh, only 59% of the population is using safely managed water services and worse, only 39% of it has access to safely managed sanitation services. Inequalities between the richest and poorest are particularly high as highlighted by the estimated ratio for overall WASH services, which was 4:9 in 2019 (JMP 2020). Women hygiene is also an important issue as there are still 30% of female students that miss school each month due to the...

e-Hackathon en agua y saneamiento #LAC 2022

Cewas, Young Water Solutions, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS) invitan a jóvenes innovadores latinoamericanos/as a participar del e-Hackathon 2022 para generar emprendimientos que contribuyan a la solución de problemas de agua y saneamiento en asentamientos informales de América Latina y el Caribe. El evento de 2 días de duración reunirá a equipos de jóvenes para diseñar emprendimientos con alto impacto social, a la vez de compartir ideas y experiencias con otros jóvenes latinoamericanos. Los grupos ganadores recibirán como premio su participación en la edición 2022 del Programa de incubación Young Water Fellowship Latinoamérica, que incluye...